Lucy Belles Charms [GIVEAWAY]

You guys… I’m excited. No, more than excited. Chocolate & Wine is proudly pairing with Lucy Belle Charms for an awesome giveaway that you should enter as many times as you can!

I recently got an e-mail from a girl named Jessica in Colorado who has an Etsy shop selling something that is right up my alley.

Have you ever been at a party or a wine tasting and you set your glass down for just a second, only to turn back to it and realize you have no clue which glass is yours? Anyone? I know it’s not just me.

Well, it’s definitely happened to me, admittedly more than once. Jessica’s shop, Lucy Belles Charms, offers a variety of handcrafted wine glass charms to give you and your guests a creative and super cute way to tell your glasses apart. She offered me a custom set to give away and of course I jumped at the chance! (By the way, she also makes earrings that everyone should check out….)Recently Updated4

As you can see, the charms are beautifully blue-and-beach-themed, which is perfect for this time of year. I don’t know about you, but Jessica and I are ready for some sun, some sand and some sangria. These beach-y charms will be the perfect accent to your wine glasses for the upcoming months… or all year long if you constantly dream of summer like me!

So, here’s how to win:

Mandatory Entry:

Visit the Lucy Belle’s Etsy shop and post a comment (in the comment/reply box below) telling me what you love about it or which specific set you would buy for yourself/as a gift. Simple and fun! (Maybe do a little shopping while you’re at it!)

Extra Entries:

1) Follow @ChocoAndWine and @LucyBelles2013 on Twitter and you get a comment per follow (that’s 2 extra entries for a few clicks on Twitter!) to tell me that you did.

2) Follow Lucy Belle Charms on Facebook and leave a comment telling me you did.

3) Tweet the giveaway and include the hashtag #CWBlogGiveaway. Leave a comment telling me you did.

4) Subscribe to Chocolate & Wine by clicking the “SIGN ME UP” button on the right sidebar (under the “Craving More Chocolate & Wine” category) and leave a comment saying you did.

That’s a total of 6 chances to win so don’t miss out! The Giveaway will end on Friday, March 8th at 11:59 P.M. EST. I will pick a winner using and announce it here and e-mail the winner. Good luck!

A Quick Update

Things have been rolling along here, just puttering through this winter that suddenly got 10 times worse when Blizzard Nemo decided to dump close to 30 inches of snow on Massachusetts last weekend, but hey, shoveling is part of life too.

Snowball fight BEFORE the storm actually started.
Snowball fight BEFORE the storm actually started.

Now that things are cleaned up a bit, here’s what’s been going on lately.

My wonderful boyfriend turned 27. Or as I like to remind him: the end to his mid-twenties and the almost-approaching-30 years. Needless to say, that doesn’t necessarily thrill him. But I did get him Bruins tickets for an April game against the Islanders and made this…


… so he was pretty happy.  I found this beauty on Pinterest (follow me!) and followed this recipe to put it together. I highly recommend it even though it was a lengthy process.

I successfully made Honey Oat Bread from scratch.


I’ve only attempted a yeast bread one other time and this one was way better. I usually shy away from recipes that call for 3+ hours of resting/rising time just because I usually don’t have that much time and I’m not very patient. But on a cold day with nothing to do and a lonely packet of instant yeast in the cabinet, why not?  I recommend this recipe.

– My friends threw me a surprise Master’s graduation party…. and I had absolutely no idea. My best friends and dance friends were there and I got presents and drank (a lot of) Asti in celebration. It was wonderful.

This is my "What the hell is going on here?" face.
This is my “What the hell is going on here?” face.

– DanceWorks Boston Season 6 started!

I’m in 4 routines this time around, and choreographing my 5th DWB piece to “World Spins Madly On” by the Weepies.  I’ll take a group photo at our next rehearsal.

– I’m going to host my 2nd giveaway soon!

Freshly baked cookies may or may not be included … don’t miss it!

Tell me! What’s new in your life? What would you like to see as a theme for a giveaway that includes cookies?