My 10K Goals/This Year’s Lenten Promises

So now that my 10K training has officially kicked off, I have a little less than 5 weeks to prepare for this race.  I’ve been hearing a lot of great advice for running my first 6.2 mile road race and one of the most important lessons I need to learn is not to go out too fast.

Funny thing is.. I’m not a fast runner.  I chug along anywhere between a 9:45 and an 11:00 minute per mile pace and I’m fine with that.  My training mainly focuses around just getting through the distance, but somehow I always manage to clock 8:45’s or less within the first half mile and before long, I’m gasping for air, wondering how I’m going to run the rest of the way.

So in true Chocolate & Wine fashion, I’ve comprised a list of goals for my first 10K.

Pretty colors = GET IT DONE.

1. Stick to the plan.  It’s posted on my wall, written in pretty colors.  It’s not too intense and my cross-training takes the form of long hours of dance.  I’ll do strength and abs either in the gym or my apartment.  Sweat central.

2.  Clean up my diet.  I don’t necessarily eat “bad” but I could eat better.  I want to consume way more water than I have been and keep other beverages to a minimum.  I have also decided to give up Diet Coke for Lent which should be a different goal entirely.  In the end, I know it’ll be good for my system and for my running.  More salads don’t hurt either.

3.  Sleep more.  This one should be a no-brainer but we’ll see.  Sometimes I like to watch old episodes of “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” on YouTube for hours.  I’ve also been on a Disney Channel Original Movie kick.  This is what happens when one does not have cable.  I need to put the laptop and cell phone down no later than 11pm for the next 5 weeks.

4. Be mindful of pain and injury.  I’m a dancer so being sore comes with the territory.  But I know the difference between a pulled muscle and something more serious.  I don’t exactly like to baby my body or take it easy if I have gloriously sweaty plans but I know during this cycle of training, especially when I have so many dance obligations as well, that I need to keep myself healthy and as injury-free as possible – even if it means taking a rest day and changing around my schedule if need be.

5.  Stress less.  I could not hate this semester more than I do right now.  Hopefully all of these natural endorphins from running and dancing will mellow me out.  It’s either that, or I’m going to need a Xanax prescription.

No, it's not some sick joke... it's my semester schedule.

6. Finish the race.  I suppose this is important.  I have a goal time in mind but I want to see how training goes before I tell the world.  Either way, this is my first 10K distance so I get an automatic PR!  That’s just as good as a medal.

I think that’s a pretty solid list to go off of.  Obviously “sweat a lot” and “avoid puking at the finish line” go without saying, right?

And how about a quick Lenten promise list as well?

1. No soda.  Wahhhh!  I love Diet Coke but it’s better for my body and my training if I left it out for a while.  Plus, giving up soda for good like I did a few years back would be ideal.  I’ll work on it.

2. Sleep more.  Didn’t we just hear this?  Well, it applies for the 40 days of Lent too.

3.  No “beverages” during the week.  Sure, a glass of wine before bed is great, but I’d like to keep it to just the weekends and make this a regular habit.

Sounds good to me.  Fasting begins at midnight.  I may be a little cranky tomorrow.

TELL ME!! What are your biggest race goals right now?  What are your favorite types of cross-training to do?  What do you do to stay injury-free?  Are you giving up anything for Lent or making a promise to better yourself and others?

That time I signed up for a 10K

So remember that time I was going to run a 10K and then totally chickened out?  Then there was that other time when I accidentally registered for a 5-miler instead of a 5K, but got through it without dying?  Well, my friends, two nights ago I clicked a pretty little PAY NOW button and officially registered for my first-ever 10K road race.

Holy. Crap.

The race: The 9th Annual Malden Rotary Road Race 10K

Where: Malden, Massachusetts

When: Saturday, March 24th… a mere 5 and a half weeks away.

But at a $10 student race fee, I couldn’t turn it down.  Plus, the prospect of some sweet race swag had me giving them those ten dollars even faster.

I can’t say no to free stuff, especially when it has to do with running (or dance.)  The awesome bright green gloves I got from that 5-miler say “Shamrock Running Club” on them and I won’t lie – I love wearing them.  I feel like a runner or something.

I may or may not wear these everyday.

So where does that leave me training-wise?  Well, I’ve got the 5-miler and a few 5Ks under my belt so I already know I can complete the extra 1.2 miles without dying.  Will I enjoy it?  Probably not at the time, but I’ll do it.  Since I kept putting off registering, I now find myself with only 5 weeks to formally train along with a full course schedule, TA-ing and 12 hours a week of dance (oh, did I mention that even after dropping Wednesday night at DanceWorks, I somehow managed to add an additional 4 hours of dance a week?  I didn’t mention that?  More about that in a different post….), it leaves little wiggle room for hours of running.

So I found a plan that fits just right.

I can totally handle this.... right?

So obviously this plan does not come complete with almost 12 hours of extra cross training per week but as is the life of a dancer/wannabe runner.  I’ll be running various mileage 3-4 times a week, totaling from 14-17 miles per week.  This is by farther most miles/week I’ve ever done and I’m super excited to start!  I’m not going for speed, just endurance and a strong finish (aka don’t collapse at the finish line.)

But let’s be real here… I need some advice.

I want to know…. what advice do you have for me as I train for my first 10k?  What works best for you when you train?  What should I wear (keep in mind, the race is at the end of March).  Share your 10K stories!  Any and all advice is appreciated!

February Restaurant Review: The Landing at 7 Central

Happy Valentine’s Day all!!  Welcome to my February edition of Chocolate & Wine’s Restaurant Review.

This month, I wanted to find something completely different than anywhere Stephen and I have been.  Plus, being Valentine’s Day, we decided to go out on Friday for a nice, quiet evening instead of fighting the crowds today.

I’ve gotten lots of restaurant recommendations (Thanks! Keep ’em coming!) but this is a place I found via Google.  I wanted something in the “hidden gem” category and that’s exactly what I found: The Landing at 7 Central in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA.

I made a reservation for two at 8pm (ya know.. just in case) and we found it pretty easily.  It was elegantly lit and very inviting.  The hostess sat us right away, directly across from a cozy fireplace.

The Landing in Manchester-by-the-Sea

Our waitress, who’s name escapes me, was friendly and attentive.  She took our drink orders and returned quickly with ice waters, freshly baked rolls that were still hot and the most delicious olive oil I have ever tasted.  A few minutes later, my Argentinian Malbec and Stephen’s Sam Adams-something-or-other-beer was in front of us.  It was efficient service without the feeling of being too rushed.

The menu itself was ridiculous.  There were so many options and everything sounded incredible.  Things like “Chicken Jessica” and “Pan Roasted Salmon” jumped out at me but in the end, I settled on what I really wanted but rarely get: Seafood Risotto.  Stephen got the Prime Rib special.

Seafood Risotto... Yes, please.

My risotto was flawless.  It had muscles, tender scallops, perfectly cooked shrimp, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, all wrapped in a not-overly-cheesy bed of puffed up rice.  I had to stop myself from eating too much of it, knowing that I could devour the whole bowl if given the opportunity.  (Not that it made it until the next day anyway due to a midnight snack craving but that’s besides the point..) Stephen’s prime rib was perfectly medium rare, accompanied by a blue cheese butter (amazing) asparagus and thick, garlicky mashed pototoes – comfort food for a chilly night.

Seafood risotto - sorry the photo is a little blurry, but check out all those beautiful colors!

Tip: Always ask what the special is!

That prime rib was HUGE!

There was only one thing that threw me about The Landing.  The tables were set with white linen tablecloths with a blue overlay, lovely cutlery and a single candle.  And then, resting on the dinner roll plate, under said cutlery was… a paper napkin?  Wait, come again?  A beautiful restaurant with paper napkins?  Again, it’s small.  Tiny even compared to the wonderful time we had but I think a place like that should reconsider the paper and switch to cloth.  Just my two cents.

Overall Rating: 9 out of 10.

Just like January, we had another terrific restaurant experience.  Wonderful, friendly service, gourmet food, good prices and the perfect atmosphere for any romantic date night out.  Be aware that for young adults and students on a budget, it may be a little pricier for you, but still 100% worth it.

But please Landing friends, lose the paper napkins…

I want to know:  Do you have a restaurant you’d like me to review?  Been to The Landing and have a difference experience than I did?  Let me know!

Winning, Losing, Sickness, School

My team lost, it was a rough game and that’s that.  There will be no more talk of Super Bowl 2012.

Let’s talk about things that are happy or stressful.  Anything but football.  Since I’ve been away from the blog for a little while, I think this is a perfect time for an update.

School… is stressful.  I thought last semester was hard.  My fall courses were a cake walk compared to what I’m dealing with now.  One of the worst feelings in the world is when one of your professors shoots down every single idea you have for your projects.  When May 4th rolls around, you can find me doing cartwheels outside of 640 Commonwealth Avenue because after this semester, it’s smooth sailing (and flying if you’re referring to London!)

My new apartment… is amazing.  My roommates are great, it’s super convenient and I love being a 5 minute walk to the gym. 

Running… has not really been happening.  See “my health.”  I’m also still looking for a race to run this month but since Sundays are now dedicated to dance, my options have been limited.  Help!! I plan on getting back into a routine this week so hopefully that new 5K PR is in the near future.

Dance… is wonderful, albeit a huge time consumer.  Not in a bad way, just in a I-wish-I-had-more-time way.  I had to drop a night of DanceWorks Boston to free up some time for school things which was awful, but the 5 routines I’m in are going to be great.  And cardio is never a bad thing.  Last weekend, DWB even got to travel to New York City to perform in a show there.  It was a blast and dancing in NYC is always a dream come true.  That’s the “winning” aspect of this post. 

The dance I choreographed... "Hello World"

And sometimes in NYC, I put my leg in the air.

Can you find me?

My health… has been CRAP.  I got sick last Friday (of course the day I was going to NYC) and have been sick ever since.  And when I say sick, I mean it.  Gastroenteritis, norovirus.. whatever you want to call it, infultrated my body last Sunday and well, I’ll spare you the gorey details.  I managed to lose 8 pounds in 1 night if that’s any indication.  Then once that was all out of my system (literally), I caught a head cold and have been dealing with that ever since.  Good job, immune system, thanks for your hard work.

Cooking… also hasn’t really happened this week.  Between NYC and getting a sickness that didn’t make food appealing for most of the week,  I wasn’t really in the mood to cook.  I did make some delicious guilt-free piggies in a blanket and an amazing trifle for a certain football game we aren’t talking about and they were both a hit so we’ll count that as a good cooking for the week.   I want to use my crockpot at some point in the upcoming week so stay tuned!

Aren't these the cutest munchies ever? And guilt free!

Well, that’s pretty much it for now.  Next on the agenda?  Surviving this week.

Tell Me!  How has your week been?  Have you managed to avoid getting the stomach flu?  What upcoming races are you running?  What was the best thing you cooked this week?

Oh, PS – Anyone want a yummy trifle recipe?

Oreo and Brownie Trifle
Adapted from Baking Away

Mmm.. trifle...

1 9×13 inch pan of fudgy brownies
2 small boxes of fat free, sugar free chocolate pudding mix
4 cups of skim milk
8 ounce container Cool Whip Free
12 ounces regular Cool Whip
18 Oreos

Make brownies and set aside to cool completely.  Mix milk with pudding powder and let chill for 30 minutes.  Then, gently fold in the 8 ounces of Cool Whip Free until there are no streaks.  Chop the oreos and set aside.

To assemble:  Lay half of the brownies in a trifle bowl followed by half of the pudding.  Sprinkle half the oreos over the pudding layer and top with half of the regular Cool Whip.  Repeat layers.  If desired, garnish the top with crushed and/or whole oreos or dark chocolate shavings.  Chill until ready to serve. 

Delicious AND beautiful!