ALL the chocolate! (and my GIVEAWAY winner!)

I gotta say that working at Lindt definitely has it’s perks. Like during the days when I-NEED-CHOCOLATE-RIGHT-THIS-SECOND… it’s right there.

When people find out where I work, the most common response I get is “Oh my God, I could never work there – I’d gain so much weight!” In reality, you probably wouldn’t! (Shameless Humblebrag: I’ve actually lost a few pounds since I started working here! Doesn’t hurt that I have a free gym at my disposal and a trip to Puerto Rico in my future… details, details.) But believe me, it’s a major test of willpower to not mow down on truffle after truffle. Moderation is key when you work in a place like this and I have found a very happy balance! Okay, happy rant over now. Let’s get to this giveaway!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who entered! I will definitely be doing another one of these (maybe just in time for the holidays?!) because I believe in the power of chocolate to make people happy. And I like making you happy. Win-win.

And our winner is…. comment number 9!


Congratulations to Lisa!! I’ll be sending you an e-mail about your prize so keep an eye out! And thank you again to everyone who entered!
