Valentine’s Day DIY: The Man Bouquet

I know I’m not the only one who thinks buying for guys is difficult no matter what occasion it is. Last year just around this time, I was scrambling for ideas on what to do for Sean for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t want to go the chocolate hearts route, and I was feeling crafty, so the DIY Man Bouquet was exactly the perfect solution.

man bouquet

I saw a few of these on Pinterest, but decided to create my own version. These bouquets can be as intricate or as simple as you want, and can range in price from extremely cheap to extremely expensive depending on what you want to include in it.

My arrangement included the following:

  • Nips. Jack Daniels Whiskey is Sean’s favorite. Use preferred booze of loved one. (God knows I’d never drink Jack.)
  • Candy and/or gum. As much or as little as you want!
  • Scratch tickets. I did put in three – a $1, $2 and $5. Bonus points for sports-themes scratchers.
  • A beer coozie. Or a straight up bottle of beer works too. I made the Bruins coozie the centerpiece of the bouquet.
  • Wooden skewers.
  • Large plastic tumbler. Perfect for large glasses of cold beer or ice water. A traditional beer mug would also work.
  • Tissue paper.

To assemble, tape or glue each item to a wooden skewer. Stuff the mug or glass full of tissue paper and insert skewers to form bouquet. I cut the skewers to different heights to get the look I wanted.

Present to your loved one on Valentine’s Day and watch their face light up! Accept praise for creativity and being just plain awesome.

Note: While I did make this for a guy, there’s no reason not to make this for a girl. I have plenty of friends who would love a non-traditional bouquet any time of the year!